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Spousal and Bodily Burdens


Al Veoli: Social (Mis)Behaviors

Al Veoli

Dear Al Veoli:

Dear Ms. Meniscus, I introduced an employee to my best friend. The employee made up things I had said about my friend. Why would she do this?


Dear Sabotaged:

The employee apparently either has some issue with you, or with your friend--the more likely person being you. Articulate to your friend that said employee has problems recognizing truth and/or making up lies and that this has nothing to do with you. Then either call this employee out on the inappropriate behavior or never speak to the person again.

Dear Al Veoli:

A couple we're friendly with has been driving us nuts recently. They criticize our every move, and they're competitive with us. How do we let them know they're bothering us without trampling on their feelings? They sure have trampled on ours.


Dear Annoyed:

One thing you can do is spend less time with this couple. If you minimize the time spent with the critical ones, you might be less aggravated by their missteps. The best thing you can do, however, is address this with them tactfully. Next time you are criticized, note to your friend that you really don't appreciate being judged, and that friends should be able to spend time together without being tortured.

Dear Al Veoli:

I have been married for 6 years and my son signed the marriage certificate as best man when he was 7. Recently I was told it's invalid since he was too young! What do I do?!


Dear Scared:

In New York state, there is no minimum age for a witness. The only legal point relevant to this is that a witness should ideally be able to testify to what s/he witnessed in a court of law. Check your state's guidelines to see if this applies to you, but it's likely you're safe.

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