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When Advair Isn't on Vacation

Katrina and Asthma

Advair's New Rival?

Falling into Autumn

The Annual Check-Up

The Last Doctor's Visit

It's that Time Again

Health in Spite of You

Asthma is Back


Falling into Autumn
by Caroline Hellman

Caroline Hellman

It's back--the cold, that is. Just when you thought that the northeast would remain warm and balmy into November, the last days of October brought with them colder temperatures and the reality of autumn.

I was still going around in my Adidas sandals, running in mesh shorts, and refusing to wear socks. I still haven't retrieved my winter sweaters from their bins in my parents' attic (you think our New York City apartment has enough room for numerous bins of woolens? Think again). Then again, I think I'm late on this every year. Though I can never wait to go apple picking, cider drinking, and pumpkin choosing, I'm always reluctant to sign onto fall.

Why is this? My birthday is next month, and hey, that's a day I like...I enjoy autumn and the change of seasons and the beautiful leaves. Afterall, I got married in August when it was 102 degrees outside, and I couldn't wait cooler weather.

I've realized the onset of fall can be intimidating because it usually means that my asthma gets worse. Chalk it up to the colder weather, or the mold in leaf piles--whatever it is, my asthma is noticeably more problematic.

But I ran through the summer heat, in ridiculous temperatures, and I'm determined to run through the fall and winter. Singulair, Advair, and warm clothes will be my friends.