Katrina and Asthma
by Caroline Hellman
In a recent article I wrote about the need to take my Advair with me when I go on vacation, and the problem I had recently when I forgot it. Ditto with my Ventolin inhaler, ditto with my Epi-Pen, and ditto with whatever antihistamine I'm currently using.
I cannot imagine what the victims of Hurricane Katrina went through, not only losing their homes, their savings, and sometimes even their family members, but also being separated from needed medication, food, and water, as well as sane living conditions. It wasn't just that the Advair had to be ordered from a pharmacy--there was no pharmacy to fill the prescription, there was no money to pay for a prescription, and there was no end in sight of this predicament.
Please consider giving to the charity of your choice to help the good people who suffered so much at the hands of this disaster.