The Exhale Foundation for Health Professionals
The Exhale Foundation is a service organization designed to improve the quality of life of patients with COPD. In addition to an active web site, Exhale Foundation staff and affiliated professionals will be traveling the U.S. and Europe holding one-day B-Games, or Breathing Games, which are offered at no charge to patients. If you would like to participate in our honorarium-based program as an Exhale Foundation Affiliated Professional at a B-Games in your community, let us know through the online form below.
Please take a moment to browse the patient site for information, updates and features that we've made available for everyone from your newly diagnosed patient to your most longstanding patient. In addition, we invite you to browse CreakyJoints.org and paincampaign.org, and a-games.org, which focus on arthritis and are managed by the same staff as the Exhale Foundation. More than 300 medical professionals from around the world currently serve as CreakyJoints Affiliated Professionals.