Breathing Coordination
This section will contain information on breathing exercises you can do at home, and will have articles and information from some of today's leading breathing coordinators and physicians. Check back often for more information and updates.
In the meantime, consider some basic information and exercise sets that will get you started on the path of better breathing and healthier living.
Breathing Techniques
You say you've been breathing all your life? Well, you haven't lived until you've tried these four breathing techniques!
Full Nourishing Breathing
1. With hands resting on your lap, palms up, inhale through the nose, filling the bottom of the lungs. As you breathe in, allow the hands to move up and out to the sides of the body. This encourages the chest to lift and also facilitates diaphragmatic breathing. Feel the pressure of the breath on the abdomen and chest as the air rises to the top of the lungs.
2. Exhale through the mouth, releasing the breath from the top of the lungs first, then the bottom of the lungs. As you breathe out, release and let go of all the negative energy you wish to be free from.
3. Repeat by inhaling again, and as you breathe in, fill yourself with the positive qualities that you desire, (love, peace, strength, etc.).
Pursed-Lip Breathing
1. Inhale slowly through your nose until your lungs fill up with air.
2. Purse your lips as if you were going to whistle or kiss someone.
3. Breathe out slowly while keeping your lips pursed.
4. Take twice as long to breathe out as you do to breathe in.
5. Do not force your lungs to empty.
Breathing from the Diaphragm
- Relax your shoulders.
- Put one hand on your abdomen.

- Make your abdomen push out while you breathe in through your nose.
- Suck in your abdominal muscles.
- Breathe out using the pursed-lip technique.

You should feel your abdomen go down.
- Repeat three times and rest for two minutes.
- Repeat this exercise many times a day.
Rib-cage Breathing
- Repeat the steps used in diaphragm breathing, but place your hands on your ribs instead of your abdomen, and don't pull in your abdominal muscles.

- Feel your chest expand and fall back as you breathe.
