Exhale Foundation a photo of three hikers
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The B-Games

The Breathing Games--or "B-Games™"--are events that are held all across the country for people with COPD to learn how to breath better, feel better, and live better. These day-long events are an opportunity to learn more about your condition, make new friends or "breathing buddies" and of course, have fun. Through a combination of seminars led by experts, doctors and coaches, interactive workshops and "live demonstrations" with breathing coordinators, the B-Games are unique events which encourage exercise and healthy, active lifestyles.

The B-Games are always provided free-of-charge to participants and will be coming to a town or city near you.

To nominate your city, hospital, or community center, fill out the form below:

Your Name:

Your E-mail address:

Your phone (include area code):

Venue you're nominating:

Venue's City & State:

If known, please give us the following information:

Person we should contact:

Contact's phone or e-mail:

Additional Comments (Tell us how many people you think might attend as well as a little about the facility you are nominating such as whether there is a place to eat, to hold seminars, a place to do exercises, etc.):