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Crabwalking Backwards

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Crabwalking Backwards
by Caroline Hellman

Caroline Hellman

What motivates you to get out there? What motivates you to run, swim, do gymnastics, walk, or crabwalk backwards? At the same token, what motivates you to stay on the couch and watch Desperate Housewives?

It's interesting to see what drives people to get out there. Some people exercise because of unhappiness. Something is less than ideal in their lives, and exercising makes them feel in more control. Some people exercise because of happiness. Perhaps they eat when they're unhappy and exercise when the opposite is true. Some people exercise fanatically when there's a wedding coming up, or a high school reunion.

Sometimes a friend is getting married, and that's depressing. Sometimes the guy you like doesn't like you back. Sometimes family dynamics are difficult, and sometimes friends are jerks, and sometimes that paper just can't get written. For many people, this means lying on the couch, as I am right now, and eating a pint of ice cream and a whole pizza (as I am not right now).

For people with asthma, steady exercise --and even weight loss that can result from it--means better asthma. Stay motivated, whatever your reason, past the 1 month past the New Year's resolution you made. Your new self will be grateful.